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Personal Care

A Monsoon Season Scare: Is Your Food Safe?

By Apollo Pharmacy, Published on- 22 July 2022, Updated on -11 July 2023

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The monsoon season is always anticipated after the scorching heat of summer, with the first shower of the season coming as a sigh of relief. That said, the monsoon season has its own share of woes, especially when it comes to health-related matters due to the high risk of waterborne diseases during this time. This blog post has everything you need to keep an eye out for when it comes to food safety during the rainy season.

Here’s what you can do to stay safe and healthy during the rainy season:

1. Avoid outside food

We understand the fun of eating outside during the rainy season, but it comes with its own cons. Monsoon is that time of the year when we are at a high risk of getting food poisoning and prone to waterborne diseases such as dysentery and cholera. To keep ourselves safe, the best thing we can do is to avoid street food, junk food and outside water. One of the main causes of waterborne disease is contaminated or impure water.

2. Eat green vegetables, fruits and vegetables

Irrespective of the season, including greens, fruits and vegetables in your daily diet is important. During the monsoon season, it is crucial to wash your fruits and vegetables with warm water and salt before you consume them to ensure there are no bacteria present.

3. Avoid foods stored or served at room temperature

It’s advisable to stay away from foods stored or served at room temperature. Whether you choose to eat at a fine dining restaurant or from local street food vendors, giving this a miss would be a decision you won't regret making.

4. Stay hydrated

Though the weather is pleasant, one must keep in mind that staying hydrated is essential. Because of high humidity, our body does not sweat as much as it would during other seasons. Therefore, it is important to flush out the toxins from our bodies by constantly hydrating ourselves. Another thing you need to pay heed to is to ensure the water you drink is boiled. This kills harmful microbes and eliminates other impurities.

These are a few simple yet effective ways to stay healthy for this season. We hope his article was helpful and that you will enjoy the rain as much as we do while staying safe.

Personal Care

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