Neuherbs Hair Skin and Vitamin Supplement is an absolute formulation that has been introduced to make people look eyeful by providing them with a healthy look of hair, skin, nails from inside out. It is specially designed for the ones who battle with dry skin, brittle nails, and dull hair due to their hectic daily life. It is created with a wide variety of nutrients like 9-Vitamins, 8-Minerals, 2-Amino Acids, Nutra and Herb blend as well as Collagen Supporter. On one hand, Vitamins play a vital role in cell growth. Vitamins like A, C & E work as an antioxidant by reducing the oxidative stress from the body and help neutralize harmful free radicals. On the other hand, Minerals like Zinc, Iron, Manganese, and Copper help in the production and protection of cells from harmful reactions in the body. They also aid in healthy cell growth and aging. Along with this, Amino Acids like Glycine and Cysteine help in the production of proteins, and are the building blocks of the powerful antioxidant glutathione, which is necessary for the growth & maintenance of your skin, hair, and nails. Whereas the Nutra blend consists of Evening Primrose Powder, Lycopene and also is fortified with glutathione that are potent antioxidants to fight damage and provide protection against harmful free radicals, keeps your tissues hydrated and moist, provides structure and function to skin, hair, nails. The collagen supporter- amla extract, vitamin C and hyaluronic acid together with their antioxidant effects improve elasticity of skin,maintain hair and skin health. The beauty care of this unique formula does not end here, the perfect herbs blend of Turmeric and Green Tea Extract are known to provide multiple benefits to the skin, hair, and nails due to their antimicrobial, antioxidant properties & managing inflammation. These nutrients altogether help in providing shape, strength, and integrity, to your hair, skin, and nails and provide you the optimum results.