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CILNIDIPINE belongs to a class of medicines called calcium channel blockers which are primarily taken for the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina (chest pain). Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a lifelong or chronic condition in which the force exerted by the blood against the artery walls becomes high. Higher this blood pressure, harder the heart has to pump. 

CILNIDIPINE contains Cilnidipine, a calcium channel blocker that acts by relaxing the blood vessels. This reduces the workload on the heart and makes the heart more efficient at pumping blood throughout the body. Thus, it helps to lower high blood pressure, reducing the chances of heart attack or stroke.

Take CILNIDIPINE with or without food as prescribed by your doctor with a full glass of water. CILNIDIPINE may be prescribed alone or in combination with other blood pressure lowering medicines depending upon your blood pressure levels. Inform your doctor if you are taking any other anti-hypertensive medicine. You may have common side effects like headache, feeling exhausted and swollen ankles that usually resolve after some time. You must closely monitor your blood pressure if you ever have had a stroke, heart attack or currently taking other blood pressure-lowering pills. It is advised to continue taking this drug and do not stop taking it suddenly without consulting your doctor.

It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids while taking this medicine. Lifestyle changes are particularly helpful in achieving optimum outcomes with CILNIDIPINE and keeping blood pressure under check. Low salt diet, daily physical activity (even 20-30 minute brisk walking for 5 days a week can help), losing weight in case of people who are obese/overweight etc are the mainstay of treatment of hypertension. Inform your doctor if you have had an allergic reaction to CILNIDIPINE, are pregnant or are planning to get pregnant, are breastfeeding, have liver disease, kidney disease, heart failure, heart valve problem or history of heart attack.


Hypertension (high blood pressure), Prevention of Angina (chest pain), Heart attack and Stroke.

Medicinal Benefits

CILNIDIPINE is used to treat heart related conditions like angina (chest pain) and high blood pressure (hypertension). It is a calcium channel blocker that inhibits entry of calcium (ions) across the heart that relaxes and widens the heart smooth muscles for better blood flow. Besides this, CILNIDIPINE help prevent sudden spasm of the coronary artery (blood vessels of the heart) and reduces how hard the heart has to work to pump blood around the body, lowering its oxygen requirements. It improves an individual’s tolerance to physical activity and exercise and keeps their blood pressure normal during exercise. As a result, it overall protects your heart and keeps your heart healthy.

Directions for Use

CILNIDIPINE can be taken orally with or without food or as prescribed by your doctor. Swallow the whole tablet with approximately a glass of water. Do not crush, chew or break it. Try to take it at the same day every day. Do not double the dose if missed.


Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight

Side Effects of CILNIDIPINE

  • Headache
  • Feeling exhausted
  • Swollen ankles
  • Nausea

In-Depth Precautions and Warning

Drug Warnings

CILNIDIPINE should be taken with caution in patients with chest pain (angina), congestive heart failure, liver disease, peripheral oedema (swelling of hands/legs). You should monitor your blood pressure regularly to make sure the CILNIDIPINE is working efficiently. Besides this prolonged intake of CILNIDIPINE can lead to lowering of blood pressure (hypotension). So, daily monitoring of blood pressure is advisable.

Drug Interactions

Drug-Drug interaction: CILNIDIPINE is known to interact when taken with an antiarrhythmic agent (quinidine), antiepileptic medicine (phenytoin) anti TB drug (rifampicin), antibiotics (erythromycin), other blood pressure-lowering pills (amlodipine) and antipsychotic drugs.

Drug-Food Interaction: Generally, no food interaction is found with this medicine. However, one should limit or avoid the intake of alcoholic beverages.

Drug-Disease Interaction: CILNIDIPINE is contraindicated in patients with severe aortic stenosis (narrowed heart valve), cardiogenic shock (when suddenly the heart does not get enough blood supply), a recent history of unstable angina (chest pain), heart failure and hypotension (low blood pressure).

Drug-Drug Interactions Checker List:

  • Safety Advice

    • Safety Warning



      CILNIDIPINE can lower your blood pressure causing dizziness and drowsiness. It can also cause orthostatic hypotension (sudden fall in blood pressure while standing). So try to avoid intake of CILNIDIPINE with alcoholic beverages.

    • Safety Warning



      There are no clinical data on the safety of CILNIDIPINE during pregnancy. So, please consult your doctor regarding the use of CILNIDIPINE if your pregnant or are planning to get pregnant.

    • Safety Warning

      Breast Feeding


      There is not enough clinical data on the safety of CILNIDIPINE during nursing. So, please consult your doctor regarding the use of CILNIDIPINE if you are breastfeeding.

    • Safety Warning



      CILNIDIPINE may cause some side effects which could affect your ability to drive. Studies regarding the same are limited. Please consult your doctor.

    • Safety Warning



      There is limited information available on the use of CILNIDIPINE in patients with liver disease. So CILNIDIPINE should be taken with caution and with consultation of the doctor only.

    • Safety Warning


      safe if prescribed

      CILNIDIPINE is probably safe to use in patients with kidney disease. But keep your doctor informed if you have kidney disease who may decide the best course of action for you.

    • Safety Warning



      The safety and effectiveness of CILNIDIPINE has not been established in children due to limited testing of this drug on children by competent authorities across the world. It should be used only when prescribed by a child specialist.

    Habit Forming


    Diet & Lifestyle Advise

    • Keep your weight under control with BMI 19.5-24.9.
    • Do regular physical activity or exercise for at least 150 minutes per week, or about 30 minutes most days of the week. Doing this can help you to lower your raised blood pressure by about 5 mm of Hg.
    • Opt for diet rich in whole grains, fruits, veggies and low-fat dairy products.
    • Limit intake of sodium chloride (table salt) in your daily diet to 2300 mg per day or less than 1500 mg is ideal for most adults.
    • If you are taking alcohol then only one serving for women and two servings for men is advisable.
    • Quitting smoking is the best strategy to lower the risk of heart disease.
    • Avoid chronic stress as it can raise your blood pressure. Try to enjoy and spent time with your loved ones to cope with stress and practice mindfulness techniques.
    • Monitor your blood pressure daily and if there is too much of fluctuation then immediately contact your doctor.
    • Try to include heart healthy omega 3 fatty acid containing food drinks in your daily diet. You can also use low fat cooking oil like olive oil, soybean oil, canola oil, and coconut oil can help in lowering your elevated blood pressure.

    Special Advise

    • CILNIDIPINE is generally advised for treatment of high blood pressure and other heart conditions.
    • CILNIDIPINE should be taken at the same time every day for its maximum effects to be seen and for increased compliance.
    • Consumption of CILNIDIPINE may cause dizziness. Avoid activities like driving while on this medication.
    • Sudden drop of blood pressure may be seen while on this medication which might lead to dizziness. Changing your posture at a slower rate might help counter this. Drink plenty of fluids while on CILNIDIPINE.
    • Ankle swelling is a commonly seen side effect with this drug. Consult your doctor if this or other side effects cause trouble or are persistent.

    Patients Concern

    Disease/Condition Glossary

    Blood pressure is the measurement of the force that our heart uses to pump blood to all parts of the body. Hypertension is a chronic condition when blood pressure is too high. This condition can lead to hardened arteries (blood vessels), decreasing the blood and oxygen flow to the heart. Raised blood pressure can cause chest pain (angina) and heart attack (when blood supply to the heart is blocked). Additionally, high blood pressure also causes brain damage (stroke) and kidney failure. High blood pressure can be diagnosed with the help of a blood pressure monitor or sphygmomanometer. Systolic pressure is the pressure when the heart pumps blood out. On the other hand, diastolic pressure is the pressure when your heart is at the resting stage between heartbeats. If your blood pressure is 140/90 mm of Hg, it means the systolic pressure is 140 mm of Hg and, diastolic pressure is 90 mm of Hg. Ideal blood pressure should be between 90/60 mm of Hg and 120/80 mm of Hg.


    It is advised to continue your medicine even after your blood pressure is under control or becomes normal as blood pressure can shoot up any time. You are advised to inform your doctor and monitor your blood pressure for at least two weeks before stopping the medicine. Depending upon your current blood pressure readings, there is a possibility your doctor may lower your medicine dosage and not recommend discontinuing it. If you have a persistent headache, please consult your doctor immediately.

    In case, you have missed a dose of CILNIDIPINE, you are advised to take it as soon as you remember. However, try not to miss a dose in the first place. If it's time for you to take your next dose, then do not take both the doses together. Take only one dose, taking a double dose of CILNIDIPINE will lead to low blood pressure.

    No, it is a prescribed drug, given by a physician for preventing specific medical conditions. Taking it on your own can cause unwanted side effects.

    Yes. It can be taken in the condition of increased cholesterol level. CILNIDIPINE is reported to improve lipid profile by reducing low density lipoprotein (LDL), total cholesterol (TC) and increasing high density lipoprotein (HDL).

    Yes, CILNIDIPINE can be taken in people with fast heart beat (tachycardia) as it helps in reducing the workload of the heart preventing tachycardia (fast or irregular heartbeat). Consult your doctor if you have palpitations or feeling of increased heart rate who may do a full check up to establish a cause for the symptoms and will then decide if you need CILNIDIPINE or not.

    CILNIDIPINE can be taken at anytime. Your doctor will tell you when to take CILNIDIPINE. Try to take it at the same time every day.

    High blood pressure during pregnancy is called 'Pregnancy induced hypertension' (PIH). It is harmful for both the baby and the mother. In the mother, very high blood pressure can cause seizures (fits), headache, swelling of feet, kidney damage and a higher risk of bleeding during pregnancy and during delivery. This can also affect the baby by causes abnormal fetal heart rate of the baby, risk of still birth and small baby. So, during the pregnancy you should have regular blood pressure monitoring. Visit your Obstetrician if you have any concerns related to blood pressure during pregnancy.

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