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CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE is a combination of antibiotic and steroid medication used to treat acute otitis media (middle ear infection) and acute otitis externa (outer ear canal infection) of bacterial origin in adults and children older than six months. Acute otitis media is a middle ear infection that results in swelling, redness, and fluid accumulation behind the eardrum. Acute otitis externa is characterized by ear canal inflammation.

CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE contains ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone. Ciprofloxacin is an antibiotic that kills bacteria by inhibiting their growth. Dexamethasone is a steroid that reduces inflammation and symptoms associated with infection, such as redness and irritation. It works by inhibiting the chemicals such as prostaglandins that cause inflammation. Thereby, CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE helps treat ear infections.

CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE is only for otic (ear) use. CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE may cause side effects such as ear discomfort, ringing in the ears, itchiness, or irritation in the ear. These side effects do not necessitate medical attention and will fade over time. However, if the side effects persist, please contact your doctor.

Inform your doctor if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE. Before using CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE, notify your doctor if you have hearing problems (ototoxicity), a perforated eardrum, or chronic otitis media. Consult your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE should be used in children only when advised by a doctor.


Acute otitis media (middle ear infection) and acute otitis externa (outer ear canal infection).

Medicinal Benefits

CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE is an antibiotic and steroid drug combination. It comprises ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone. Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic that works by killing bacteria by inhibiting their growth. Dexamethasone is a steroid that lowers inflammation and infection-related symptoms like redness and discomfort. It works by blocking the chemicals that promote inflammation, such as prostaglandins. As a result, CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE assists in the treatment of ear infections.

Directions for Use

Lie down with the affected ear facing upwards. Hold the dropper over the ear and instil the prescribed number of drops into the ear. Continue to lie on your side for two minutes to allow the drops to reach the base of the ear canal. Repeat the procedure for the other ear if needed. Do not touch the dropper to the ear or surrounding areas to avoid contamination.


Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight


  • Ear discomfort
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Ear pain
  • Ear itching (pruritus)

In-Depth Precautions and Warning

Drug Warnings

Do not use CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE if you are allergic to any of its components or if you have/had chronic otitis media, herpes simplex otitis externa (inflammation of the external ear canal caused by herpes simplex virus), or herpes zoster otitis externa (viral infection of the ear). CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE is for otic (ears) use only. CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE should never be injected or used orally. Avoid contact of CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE with your nose, mouth, or eyes. If CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE comes into contact with these areas accidentally, thoroughly rinse it with water. Notify the doctor if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or are breastfeeding. Contact your doctor if the infection symptoms persist or worsen after two weeks of treatment. CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE should not be used for any longer than the duration prescribed by your doctor.

Drug Interactions

Drug-Drug interactions: Relevant interactions could not be found/established.

Drug-Food interactions: Relevant interactions could not be found/established.

Drug-Disease interactions: Inform your doctor if you have/had chronic otitis media and viral ear infections (herpes simplex otitis externa, herpes zoster otitis externa).

Drug-Drug Interactions Checker List:

Safety Advice

  • Safety Warning



    It is not known if alcohol affects CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE. However, it is advisable to limit or avoid alcohol as a precautionary measure.

  • Safety Warning



    If you are planning to become pregnant or are already pregnant, please consult your doctor before using CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE.

  • Safety Warning

    Breast Feeding


    If you are a nursing mother, please notify your doctor before beginning CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE.

  • Safety Warning


    safe if prescribed

    CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE does not affect your ability to drive.

  • Safety Warning



    Limited information is available about the usage of CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE in patients with liver disease. Please consult your physician.

  • Safety Warning



    Limited information is available about the usage of CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE in patients with kidney disease. Please consult your physician.

  • Safety Warning



    The safety of CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE in children below 6 months is not established. However, in children above 6 months, it should be used only if prescribed by the doctor.

Habit Forming


Diet & Lifestyle Advise

  • Consult an ENT on a regular basis to ensure early detection of any ear problems.
  • Avoid consuming foods that you are allergic to as it can cause the body to produce excess mucus, resulting in ear inflammation.
  • Avoid getting shampoo, soap, or water into your ears as this can cause itching.
  • Poking or scratching the ear can cause damage to the ear canal, resulting in inflammation. 
  • Using cotton swabs, bobby pins, or other objects to remove earwax may push wax deeper into the ear, causing ear damage.
  • Never put cold water in your ear, and avoid spraying liquids into your ear with force.

Patients Concern

Disease/Condition Glossary

Acute otitis media: Acute otitis media (middle ear infection) results in swelling, redness, and fluid accumulation behind the eardrum. The main symptoms include ear ache, a high temperature (fever), sickness, and slight hearing loss. In some cases, a hole may develop in the eardrum (perforated eardrum), and pus may run out of the ear.

Acute otitis externa: Acute otitis externa is a condition characterized by ear canal inflammation. It is primarily caused by bacterial infection. The most common pathogens are Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. Otitis externa can be painful due to inflammation and fluid build-up. Symptoms include discomfort or pain in the ear, pus or fluid-like drainage from the ear, feeling of pressure inside the ear, and loss of hearing.


CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE contains ciprofloxacin and dexamethasone. Ciprofloxacin works by killing bacteria by inhibiting their growth. Dexamethasone works by inhibiting the chemicals such as prostaglandins that cause inflammation. Thereby, CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE helps treat ear infections.

Please do not stop using CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE until the course advised by the doctor has been completed. If you discontinue CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE suddenly, your symptoms may reappear.

Avoid contact of CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE with eyes, nose or mouth. If contact occurs, rinse thoroughly with cold water. If you have any further problems, please seek medical attention.

You are not recommended to use CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE for more than the prescribed duration. Contact your doctor if the infection symptoms persist or worsen after two weeks of treatment.

No, CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE is not recommended for chronic otitis media; In fact, CIPROFLOXACIN+DEXAMETHASONE is contraindicated for patients with chronic otitis media. Please consult the doctor if you have any concerns regarding this.

Otitis externa is also referred to as swimmer's ear. It most frequently affects people who spend a lot of time in the water, such as swimmers.

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