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DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is a combination drug containing a 'neurological medicine,' primarily used to treat Alzheimer's disease (memory loss). Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neuro disorder that affects the brain. It causes the brain to shrink (atrophy) and brain cells (neurons) to die. 

DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is a combination medication containing Donepezil and Memantine, which treat Alzheimer’s disease. Donepezil is a cholinesterase inhibitor that works by preventing the breakdown of the chemical acetylcholine and improving the function of nerve cells in the brain. Memantine works by lowering the level of the chemical in the brain which is responsible to cause symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Together, both of them balance the levels of chemical messengers in the brain and help transmit nerve signals.

Take DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE as prescribed by your doctor. You are advised to take DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE for as long as your doctor has prescribed it for you, depending upon your medical condition. Preferably take it before just bedtime. In some cases, you may experience vomiting, weight loss, loss of appetite, dryness in the mouth, dizziness, nausea, diarrhoea, and headache. Most of these side effects of DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE do not require medical attention and gradually resolve over time. However, if the side effects persist or worsen, please consult your doctor.

DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE may cause dizziness and sleepiness. So, do not drive a car or operate any machinery that requires mental focus until you know how this medicine affects you. Increase the intake of fluids to keep yourself hydrated while taking DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE as it may cause diarrhoea. Before using DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE, inform your doctor if you have ever had heart problems, stomach ulcers, epilepsy, or asthma. 


Alzheimer’s disease (memory loss)

Medicinal Benefits

DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is a combination medication containing Donepezil and Memantine, which treat Alzheimer’s disease. It helps to slow down the progression of moderate to severe Alzheimer's by improving memory and thinking. It also increases the levels of a chemical messenger involved in the transmission of nerve signals. Donepezil is a cholinesterase inhibitor that works by improving the function of nerve cells in the brain by preventing the breakdown of the chemical acetylcholine. Memantine works by lowering the level of chemicals in the brain, which is responsible for causing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Together, they balance the levels of chemical messengers in the brain and help transmit nerve signals.

Directions for Use

Swallow DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE as a whole with a glass of water. Do not crush, chew, or break it.


Store in a cool and dry place away from sunlight


  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dryness in the mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Weight loss
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea
  • Headache

In-Depth Precautions and Warning

Drug Warnings

Do not take DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE if you are allergic to DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE or any of its ingredients. DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE may cause dizziness and sleepiness. So, do not drive or do anything that requires mental focus until you know how this medicine affects you. Increase the intake of fluids to keep yourself hydrated while taking DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE as it may cause diarrhoea. Before using DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE, inform your doctor if you have ever had heart problems, stomach ulcers, epilepsy, or asthma. Take DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE preferably just before bedtime.

Drug Interactions

Drug-Drug Interaction: DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is known to interact with pain killers (aspirin), anticholinergics (donepezil), antiparkinson's disease (amantadine), ketamine, dextromethorphan), anti-fungal (ketoconazole),  anti-epilepsy medicines (phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital), corticosteroid (dexamethasone), anti-tuberculosis medicines (rifampin), stomach ulcer medicines (cimetidine, ranitidine), dopaminergic agonists (bromocriptine).

Drug-Food Interaction: $name is known to interact with alcohol as it might increase sleepiness.

Drug-Disease Interaction: DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is known to interact in patients with kidney or liver disease, asthma, heart disease, history of seizures, stomach ulcers, history of intestinal bleeding, urination problems, bladder obstruction.

Drug-Drug Interactions Checker List:

  • Safety Advice

    • Safety Warning



      Taking alcohol, along with DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE, may increase its drowsiness effect and cause excessive sleepiness.

    • Safety Warning



      DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is a pregnancy category C drug. It is not known whether it will harm the baby. So, take only if prescribed by a doctor.

    • Safety Warning

      Breast Feeding


      It is not known whether DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE passes through breast milk or not. So, caution should be exercised if you are breastfeeding.

    • Safety Warning



      DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is known to cause drowsiness, so please do not drive a car or operate any machinery which requires mental alertness.

    • Safety Warning



      DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE to be taken with caution, especially if you have a history of liver disease. The dose may have to be adjusted by your doctor.

    • Safety Warning



      DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE to be taken with caution, especially if you have a history of kidney disease. The dose may have to be adjusted by your doctor.

    • Safety Warning



      The safety and efficacy of DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE in children have not been established.

    Habit Forming


    Diet & Lifestyle Advise

    • Find the humour in your daily life. Try to watch light-hearted shows to help relieve stress.
    • You can try increasing your mindfulness, by including yoga, meditation, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and mindfulness-based stress reduction.
    • Drink enough water to stay hydrated, and limit or avoid alcohol and caffeine to relieve diarrhoea.
    • Include a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. This is a healthier option than eating a lot of simple carbohydrates found in processed foods.
    • Reduce your alcohol, caffeine, added sugar, high salt, and high fat intake. 
    • You can include antioxidants in your daily diet like ashwagandha, omega-3 fatty acids, green tea, and lemon balm.
    • Try to spend time with your friends and family. Having a strong social network may help you lower your risk of memory loss.

    Special Advise

    • DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE causes drowsiness. Avoid doing activities that require your complete focus and attention like driving when on this drug.
    • Avoid consuming alcohol while on this medication as it can lead to dangerous side effects.
    • The safety and efficacy are not established in pregnant or breastfeeding. Discuss with your doctor in such situations about changing/replacing the medicine with safer alternatives.
    • Do not self-medicate.

    Patients Concern

    Disease/Condition Glossary

    Alzheimer's disease: It is a progressive neurologic disorder that affects the brain. It causes the brain to shrink (atrophy) and brain cells to die. One of the very common causes of Alzheimer's disease is dementia (memory loss), which affects the person's ability to function independently. Very early signs of the disease are forgetting recent events and conversations, and as the disease progresses, it can lead to severe memory impairment. 


    DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is a combination medication containing Donepezil and Memantine, which treat Alzheimer’s disease. Donepezil works by improving the function of nerve cells in the brain by preventing the breakdown of the chemical acetylcholine. Memantine works by lowering the level of chemicals in the brain, which is responsible for causing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Together, they balance the levels of chemical messengers in the brain and help transmit nerve signals.

    No, it is recommended not to take DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE before s surgery as it contains Donepezil, which is a cholinesterase inhibitor and is likely to exaggerate muscle relaxation during anaesthesia. So, please inform your doctor before surgery if you are taking DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE as he might stop it &2 hours before undergoing surgery.

    Yes, the use of DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE can cause diarrhoea. In some cases, the patient may experience diarrhoea. So, please increase the intake of fluids to avoid dehydration. And also do not take any other medicines without speaking to a doctor.

    Yes, DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is known to cause weight loss. So, while taking DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE, you should constantly monitor your body weight to avoid major weight loss.

    Taking DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE in more than the recommended dose can cause unpleasant side-effects such as dizziness, tremor, agitation, convulsion, coma, nausea, vomiting, changes in heart rhythm, decreased blood pressure, and change in body fluid/salt balance.

    Yes, Alzheimer's disease (memory loss) generally occurs in people who are elderly and aged. So, DONEPEZIL+MEMANTINE is safe for the elderly population, but the dose should be given by a doctor depending upon any underlining disease condition you are suffering from. Also, never self medicate.

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