
Types of Abortion: Their Impact on Women’s Health

Learn about abortion types, their health impacts, and the importance of safe access for women's well-being and rights.

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DR Suvarna

At a Glance

Types of Abortion

Various methods include medication abortion, aspiration, dilation and evacuation (D&E), and induction.

Safety and Effectiveness

Abortions are generally safe; early procedures minimise complications for women's health.

Impact of Restrictions

Restrictions lead to unsafe abortions, increasing maternal health risks significantly.

Global Context & Health Risks

Unsafe abortions are prevalent globally, especially in regions with limited access to safe care.

Mental Health & Rights

Access to safe abortions is crucial for mental well-being and upholding women's human rights

In this article

  • Medical Abortion: A Non-Invasive Approach
  • Mifepristone and Misoprostol: The Combination That Works
  • Surgical Abortion: The Invasive Procedure
  • Immediate Physical Health Risks
  • Emotional and Psychological Impact
  • Making an Informed Decision: Weighing the Risks and Benefits
  • Conclusion

Shilpi never imagined she'd have to make such a difficult decision. After learning about complications in her pregnancy, she was faced with the reality of abortion. Since she was close to 10 weeks pregnant, her doctor told her about the two options for abortion she had - medical or surgical. The choice weighed heavily on her but after understanding the difference between the two, she was able to make her decision.

Understanding the types of abortion available is crucial to making informed decisions about your reproductive health. Only when you know your options can you make the right decisions that help you now and in the future.

This article delves into the different types of abortion, their health implications, and what you can expect during and after these procedures.

Medical Abortion: A Non-Invasive Approach


Medical abortion is a type of abortion that is a non-surgical procedure. This method involves taking medication to terminate a pregnancy, typically within the first 10 weeks. It’s a safe procedure that works by stopping the growth of the pregnancy and then causing the uterine lining to shed. This is a preferred choice for many, as surgery is not required and it can be done at home under medical supervision. Medical abortion is widely used and has a high success rate.

  • Duration: Up to 10 weeks of pregnancy
  • Effectiveness: 95-98%
  • Recovery time: A few days to a week


  • Non-invasive, no surgery required
  • Can be done privately at home
  • High success rate in early pregnancy

Mifepristone and Misoprostol: The Combination That Works 

The combination of Mifepristone and Misoprostol is widely recognised as one of the most effective methods for medical abortion, particularly during the first trimester.

Let's understand the two medications used in medical abortion better:

How It Works
Blocks the hormone (progesterone) needed to maintain the pregnancy

Stops pregnancy from growing

Causes the uterus to contract and expel the pregnancy tissue


Induces contractions and bleeding

Effectiveness: According to research, when used together, these medications are highly effective and have a 95-98% success rate for early-stage pregnancy termination. Cramping and bleeding are common side effects and an indication that the medicine is working; the pain can be managed with pain relief medicines.

Risks and Complications of Medical Abortion

The classification of abortion includes spontaneous and induced abortions. Spontaneous abortion is further divided into threatened, inevitable, incomplete, complete, missed, and septic categories.

While medical abortion is generally safe, there are some risks involved, but they’re rare and usually manageable. These include:

  • Incomplete abortion: A small percentage may require a follow-up procedure to fully remove the pregnancy tissue.
  • Heavy bleeding: More intense than a typical period, but manageable with medical assistance.
  • Infection: While uncommon, it can occur, particularly if follow-up care is neglected.

Be sure to have a follow-up consultation with your doctor to rule out any complications.

Surgical Abortion: The Invasive Procedure 

Surgical abortion is a quick and effective type of abortion, typically used after 12 weeks of pregnancy or when medical abortion is not an option. This method is performed by a doctor in a hospital setting and requires anaesthesia or sedation. In India, surgical abortions are legally permitted and typically safe when performed by experienced and certified doctors.

  • Duration: Often used for pregnancies beyond 12 weeks
  • Procedure time: Around 30 minutes
  • Recovery time: A few days to a week

Key Benefits:

  • Fast and effective
  • Minimal pain during the procedure (use of anaesthesia)
  • Requires a single visit to be completed

Dilation and Curettage (D&C): The Most Common Surgical Method

The most frequently used surgical procedure is Dilation and Curettage (D&C). This procedure is brief, typically lasting less than an hour, and is highly effective. Most women recover quickly. The D&C is a standard practice with a strong safety record.

In a Dilation and Curettage (D&C) procedure:

  1. The cervix is gently dilated.
  2. A special thin instrument called a curette is used to scrape your uterine wall and remove the pregnancy tissue.

D&C is a safe and commonly used procedure when performed by qualified doctors.

Common Symptoms Post-D&C:

  • Mild cramping
  • Spotting or light bleeding for a few days

Potential Risks and Complications of Surgical Abortion

A D&C is a safe routine procedure and though complications are rare, understanding these risks can help ensure proper post-operative care and early intervention if needed.

They can include:

Infection: Infection can occur if proper hygiene and post-operative care are not followed. This can be prevented with proper post-operative care.

Excessive Bleeding: While bleeding is normal after a D&C procedure, in rare cases, one may require medical attention if the bleeding is unusually heavy.

Uterine Damage: Although extremely rare, uterine perforation (a tear in the uterine wall) can happen during the procedure if the surgical instrument penetrates the uterus.

Scar Tissue (Asherman’s Syndrome): A rare formation of uterine scar tissue that can affect menstruation and fertility.

Incomplete Procedure: In some cases, a D&C may not remove all the pregnancy tissue, resulting in an incomplete abortion.

Anaesthesia reaction: Although rare, possible reactions to anaesthesia include nausea or vomiting post-surgery, allergic reactions or respiratory issues.

Emotional Impact: Some women may experience feelings of sadness or depression and could benefit from counselling. 

Immediate Physical Health Risks 

Abortion procedures carry certain immediate risks. Here are some of the common risks and their frequency:

BleedingCommon in both typesUsually mild to moderate
Rare, but possibleCan lead to complications if untreated
Uterine damage
Extremely rare in surgical casesMay require further medical attention

If you experience extreme symptoms, it's important to seek medical care immediately.

Bleeding, Haemorrhage, and Uterine Damage

Bleeding, haemorrhage, and uterine damage are potential physical risks associated with both medical and surgical abortions, though they are generally rare.

After a medical abortion, some bleeding and cramping are expected, similar to a heavy menstrual period, as the body gets rid of the pregnancy tissue. In rare cases, however, excessive bleeding or haemorrhaging can occur, which may require medical intervention or, in critical cases, a blood transfusion.

In surgical abortions, such as Dilation and Curettage (D&C) or Dilation and Evacuation (D&E), there is also a risk of excessive bleeding. Additionally, the use of surgical instruments can, in rare instances, lead to uterine damage or perforation, where the uterine wall is accidentally punctured. While uterine damage often heals on its own, more severe cases might require surgical repair. 

Infection and Sepsis: The Silent Threats

Infections following an abortion are rare but can happen, particularly if proper post-procedure care is not followed. These infections may result from retained tissue, improper hygiene, or the use of non-sterile instruments. 

Some of the symptoms to keep an eye out for include fever, chills, foul-smelling discharge, or severe abdominal pain. These signs could indicate an infection or even sepsis, a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. 

Proper follow-up care and following medical guidelines, including taking prescribed antibiotics, significantly reduce the risk of infection.

Emotional and Psychological Impact 

Having an abortion is never easy and the emotional and psychological impact of the process can vary from individual to individual. While some women may feel relief, others may experience sadness and despair.

These emotional responses are natural and can be influenced by personal beliefs, society, or the situation leading to the abortion.  

The Initial Emotional Response: Regret, Grief, and Sadness

Immediately after an abortion, it’s common for women to battle a variety of emotions. These can include relief, sadness, grief, or even regret. It’s important to remember that these emotions are temporary and often get better with time.

For many women, having a supportive environment — be it family, friends, or a professional counsellor, can make a world of difference in processing these feelings. 

Consulting a counsellor can provide valuable emotional support and help women navigate through any lingering feelings of sadness or regret. Understanding that emotional responses are a natural part of the process can lead to a healthier recovery, both mentally and physically.

Long-Term Mental Health Consequences

For most women, emotional responses to abortion tend to heal over time. However, those with pre-existing mental health conditions may face longer-lasting effects like anxiety or depression. Consult your mental health professional on how to best tackle this situation.  

Making an Informed Decision: Weighing the Risks and Benefits 

When considering an abortion, it’s vital to weigh both the physical and emotional factors. Regardless of which type of abortion you are opting for - a medical or surgical abortion, if you understand the procedure, risks, and aftercare, it can make the process smoother.

  • Consult your doctor
  • Discuss both options thoroughly
  • Take into account your health and personal circumstances
  • Ensure access to mental and emotional support


In conclusion, understanding the different types of abortion—both medical and surgical—empowers women to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. Each type of procedure comes with its own benefits, risks, and emotional impact, and it is essential to consult with doctors, to choose the best option based on individual circumstances.

Equally important is access to post-abortion care, both physically and emotionally, to ensure a safe recovery and long-term well-being. By being well-informed, women can take control of their reproductive choices with confidence and care.


What is the difference between a medical abortion and a surgical abortion?

Medical abortion uses pills (Mifepristone and Misoprostol) to end a pregnancy at home, while surgical abortion is a procedure done in a hospital under anaesthesia after 12 weeks.

What are the types of spontaneous abortion?

The types of spontaneous abortion are threatened (bleeding with a closed cervix), inevitable (bleeding with an open cervix), incomplete (partial expulsion of tissue), complete (all tissue expelled), missed (embryo dies but remains in the uterus), and septic (infection during miscarriage).

What is a missed abortion?

A missed abortion happens when the foetus has stopped developing but hasn’t been expelled from the body. Treatment options include medication or surgical procedures.

Can you get pregnant again after having an abortion?

Yes, fertility is not impacted by an abortion, so discuss birth control options with your doctor when planning another pregnancy.

What does threatened abortion mean?

Threatened abortion refers to early pregnancy bleeding that signals a possible miscarriage. It does not always lead to pregnancy loss, but it requires monitoring.