New born & Infant

New born & Infant

Congratulation on your new arrival!

You've reached your go-to guide for caring for your little one. Here, you'll find expert advice on feeding, sleep routines, health, and baby development to help you confidently navigate these precious early months of parenthood.

Want personalised tips & insights? Tell us a little about your baby's birthday

Is your baby growing as expected?

No need to wonder anymore. Get month-wise growth and development milestones to get an idea of what to expect and signs to look out for.

Explore Infant Development

Feeling overwhelmed? We have your back.

Here's your go-to guide for expert advice on everything from baby care basics to self-care strategies.

Newborn Care

Welcoming your newborn baby is an unforgettable moment, filled with joy, love, and the promise of new beginnings. 

Explore Newborn Care

Infant Development

Infant development involves physical, cognitive, and emotional growth milestones during the first year.

Explore Infant Development

Baby Poop

Learn about baby poop colors, textures, and what's normal at each stage to monitor your baby's health effectively.

Explore Baby Poop

Baby Vaccination

Vaccines protect your baby from diseases and ensure a healthy future. Follow the vaccination schedule.

Explore Baby Vaccination

Baby Food

Discover top baby food options for nutrition, essential nutrients, homemade recipes, and tips for healthy eating habits.  

Explore Baby Food

Baby Sleep

Baby sleep is essential for growth, requiring consistent routines, comfort, and adequate sleep duration.  

Explore Baby Sleep

Baby Names

Choosing a baby name reflects your hopes and dreams—traditional, modern, or unique!

Explore Baby Names

Top Tips for You


Newborn care 

Give your baby a warm bath to help relax their bowels.


Vaccine shots

Try distracting your baby with a toy, song or breastfeeding during their vaccine shot.


Portion size 

When your baby starts eating, feed small portions and encourage them to chew their food.


Baby nap time

Wrap your baby in a swaddle to make their nap time better and soothing.


Develop immunity

Discuss routine care & immunisations with your pediatrician to build your baby’s immunity

Essentials for your baby

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Can newborn babies see?

Newborns can see, but their vision is blurry. They can focus on objects about 8-12 inches away, which is ideal for seeing their parents' faces.

Can newborns sleep on their side?

No, newborns should not sleep on their side. The safest position for sleep is on their back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

How long is the newborn stage?

The newborn stage lasts from birth to about 2 months of age. During this time, babies undergo significant growth and development.

What is the newborn period?

The newborn period refers to the first 28 days of life, a crucial time for adjustment and bonding, where babies learn to adapt to the outside world.