baby size

Your baby needs
Nutrition: 180-240 ml, 4-6 feeds/day
Sleep: 11-14 hrs

Month 12 of Infant Development

At 12 months, your baby may be crawling, standing, and saying a few words. Discover milestones and tips to support their growth and development.

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All you need to know

The 12-month mark is a milestone for you and your baby, filled with big changes and joy. Your little one may take the first steps, say the first words, & show some independence. Celebrate this special month as you reflect on the unforgettable moments of the first year.

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Your Baby’s Weight and Height

By 12 months, your baby has had incredible growth in terms of weight, height, and overall physical development. At this stage, growth slows down a bit compared to earlier months.

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  • In the 12th month, babies typically gain 100-150 grams per week and grow around 1 cm per month.
  • By the end of the first year, babies are usually triple their birth weight.

Average Measurements for Indian Babies:

ParameterBoys Girls
Weight (kg)

Height (cm)

Your Baby’s Milestones

At 12 months, your baby is entering toddlerhood and will display significant developmental milestones. Physical, cognitive, and emotional skills are continuing to develop rapidly.

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Motor Development:

  • Walking: Some babies may take their first steps at this stage. They might be holding onto furniture or walking with assistance.
  • Fine Motor Skills: Your baby will start to use a pincer grasp (thumb and forefinger) to pick up small objects, improving their hand-eye coordination.
  • Climbing: Some babies start to show an interest in climbing on furniture or other surfaces.
  • Standing Alone: Many babies can stand for a few seconds without support and may even squat and stand back up again.

    Cognitive Development:

  • Object Permanence: Your baby will start to understand that objects still exist even when they can’t be seen. This is why peek-a-boo becomes so much fun at this age.
  • Problem-Solving: They begin to use objects in more meaningful ways, such as stacking blocks or placing shapes into the correct holes in shape sorters.
  • Exploration: Babies at this stage explore their environment with curiosity, touching and manipulating objects to learn about them.

    Communication and Language Development:

  • First Words: Many babies say their first word around this time, such as “mama,” “dada,” or simple words for common objects.
  • Gestures: They start using gestures like waving goodbye, pointing, or clapping to communicate.
  • Understanding Commands: Your baby may understand simple commands like “come here,” “give me,” or “no.”

Social and Emotional Development:

  • Separation Anxiety: At this stage, babies often experience separation anxiety and may cry when a parent leaves the room.
  • Imitation: Babies at 12 months love to imitate the actions of adults. They may pretend to talk on the phone, brush their hair, or feed their dolls.
  • Social Interaction: They enjoy playing games with you, like clapping hands or bringing you objects to show you.


With more teeth in place, your little one is getting ready for a diet of more solid foods.

  • By now, your baby may have around six to eight teeth, including incisors and first molars. Teething may continue with emerging canine (cuspid) teeth.
  • Mild gum swelling, chewing urges, and occasional night waking. Your baby may be more sensitive to temperature changes in food.
  • Continue brushing with a rice-grain-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.

Schedule a follow-up pediatric dental check-up to ensure healthy oral development.

Feeding your baby

At 12 months, your baby is ready to explore a broader range of foods and may have some preferences. Breast milk/formula will still be part of their diet, along with solid foods.

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Baby Feeding Techniques


  • If you're still breastfeeding, your baby will continue to benefit from your milk for its nutritional content and comfort.
  • Many mothers begin to transition to more solid foods by this stage.

Bottle Feeding

  • If you're using formula, your baby may still be taking 3-4 bottles a day but may start drinking less as they eat more solids.

Finger Foods

  • At this stage, babies can eat soft finger foods like small pieces of fruit, steamed vegetables, or crackers.

Milk Supply in the First Year

Breastfeeding Mothers:

  • Breast milk continues to be a great source of nutrition, but you may begin to offer whole milk as well.
  • Your baby may nurse 3-4 times a day at 12 months.

Formula Feeding:

Continue using formula for at least the first year if you haven't transitioned to cow's milk yet.

Feeding Schedule in the Twelfth Month

At this stage, babies can eat soft finger foods like small pieces of fruit, steamed vegetables, or crackers.

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  • Meals: You can now feed your baby three meals a day with two snacks.
  • Breast Milk or Formula: Typically 2-3 feedings of breast milk or formula.
  • Water: Start offering water in a sippy cup. Avoid juice unless recommended by your paediatrician.

Signs Your Baby is Hungry:

  • Reaching for food or opening their mouth when you offer food.
  • Crying or getting fussy around mealtime.

Signs Your Baby is Full:

  • Pushing food away or turning their head.
  • Reaching for something else to signal they are done.

TopTips for 12 Month Old Baby


Baby poop  

If your baby's poop is black by day 3, it could be a sign of poor nutrition or digestion.


Feeding routine 

After getting vaccinated your baby may need more frequent breastfeeds throughout the day.


Starting solids 

When you introduce solid food in your baby’s meals, offer small water sips for hydration.


Bedtime routine 

Take your time to gently introduce a sleep routine that works for your baby’s comfort.


Spot the signs

Seek care when your baby is not feeding well, breathing fast, or has a fever.

Your Baby’s Sleep

Sleep patterns are more stable at this stage, & your baby is likely sleeping for longer stretches at night. A consistent bedtime routine can help develop good sleep habits.

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Sleep Patterns in the Twelfth Month:

  • Babies usually sleep 12-14 hours in total, including one or two naps during the day.
  • Night sleep might last 10-12 hours, although some babies may still wake up once or twice.
  • Keep the sleep environment calm and safe, using a firm mattress and placing your baby on their back to sleep.

Caring for Your Baby

Your baby's skin, hygiene, and health needs change as it grows. At 12 months, it is more active and may explore new environments. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that its care supports its development.

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Baby Vaccine Schedule

Ensure your baby receives the following vaccines at 12 months:

  • MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
  • Booster dose PCV (Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine)
  • Varicella (Chickenpox)
  • Hepatitis A

Always check with your paediatrician to verify your child's vaccination schedule.

Newborn Baby Essentials

  • Soft clothes for active toddlers.
  • Safe toys to encourage exploration.
  • A highchair for solid meals.
  • A stroller for outings.

Baby Bath

Oil massage before bath is a cherished practice in Indian culture; hence, it’s beneficial to bathe your baby after the massage.

  • Bathe your baby with lukewarm water.
  • Use a gentle, fragrance-free baby soap to clean their skin.
  • Avoid vigorous scrubbing; pat your baby dry with a soft towel after the bath.
  • Keep their face and folds clean.

Routine of a 12-Month-Old

Your little one may take first steps, say first words, & show some independence. Celebrate this special month as you reflect on the unforgettable moments of the first year.

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Activity Duration
3 meals + 2 snacks
12-14 hours total
1-3 hours


What is an ideal weight for a 12-month-old? 

About 7.5–11 kg for boys and 7.2–10.8 kg for girls.

Is it normal for my baby to still wake up during the night?

Yes, many babies wake up during the night even at 12 months. Sleep patterns vary.

When will my baby start walking?

Most babies start walking between 12-15 months, though some may take their first steps earlier.

What foods can I give my 12-month-old?

At 12 months, babies can eat a wide variety of foods, including fruits, vegetables, cereals, and proteins. Avoid honey, nuts, and foods that could be choking hazards.

How do I prevent diaper rash?

Change your baby’s diaper regularly, and apply diaper cream with zinc oxide to protect the skin.

Why is my baby suddenly more clingy?

It’s common for babies to experience separation anxiety around this age as they develop stronger attachments to their caregivers.

When should I schedule my baby’s next check-up?

At 12 months, your baby should have a routine check-up, including vaccinations and developmental screenings.