
Week 32 of Pregnancy

At week 32, your baby is growing and getting ready for the world! Prepare for the final weeks with body changes, labor signs, and essential tips.

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Week 32 Pregnancy Symptoms

As you enter the final stages of your pregnancy, you may notice some new symptoms or changes in your body. Some common experiences during week 32 include:

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Braxton Hicks contractions

These practice contractions may become more noticeable as your uterus prepares for labour.

Shortness of breath

Your growing uterus puts pressure on your diaphragm, making breathing more challenging.

Frequent urination

As your baby moves further down into your pelvis, you may feel the urge to visit the loo more often.


Fluid retention can cause puffiness on the face and swelling in the feet, ankles & hands, especially during the later stages of pregnancy.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, and you may experience different symptoms than other mums-to-be. If you have any concerns, reach out to your doctor for guidance.

Your Baby is Week 32

Your little one is making incredible strides in their development this week. Here's a glimpse into what's happening inside the womb:

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Baby’s Growth in the Womb

Organ Development

At 32 weeks, your baby's organs continue to mature and refine their functions. The lungs produce surfactant, which helps the baby breathe air outside the womb, preventing the lungs from collapsing. The digestive system also prepares for life outside the womb, with the intestines practising contractions to move food through the body.

Physical Features

Your baby now resembles a newborn, with smoother skin, less lanugo, and possibly a full head of hair. Their nails are fully formed and ready for a trim!

Weight of the Foetus

At 32 weeks, your baby weighs approximately 1.7 to 1.9 kg and measures around 42 to 44 cm from head to toe. They're gaining about 200 gms each week as they prepare to make an entrance.

Movement of the Baby

You may notice a change in your baby's movement patterns around this time. As space becomes more limited in the womb, those big kicks and jabs may become more subtle wiggles and squirms. It's important to continue monitoring your baby's movements and to contact your doctor if you notice a significant decrease in activity.

Here is what your baby looks like

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At 32 weeks, your baby is growing rapidly and preparing for birth. Focus on rest, hydration, and staying mindful of your body’s signals.

Dr. Veena H

Your Body in Week 32 of Pregnancy

Your body is working hard to support your growing baby, and you may notice changes. Let's take a closer look at what's happening:

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Physiological Changes During Week 32 of Pregnancy

Breast Changes

As your breasts prepare for breastfeeding, they may feel fuller and heavier. Your nipples and areolas may also darken and become more pronounced. During the third trimester, some women experience leaking yellowish colostrum, the nutrient-rich precursor to breast milk.

Hair, Skin, and Nails

You may notice that your hair appears thicker and shinier due to increased blood flow and hormone levels. However, some women experience dryness or breakouts on their skin. Your nails may grow faster but can be more brittle and prone to breaking.

Respiratory and Cardiovascular System

As your uterus expands, it puts pressure on your diaphragm, causing laboured breathing. Your cardiovascular system also works overtime to pump the increased blood volume through your body.

Vaginal Discharge

It's normal to experience an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy. This clear or milky-white discharge, known as leukorrhea, helps protect the birth canal from infection. If you notice unusual odours, itching, or discomfort, mention it to your doctor.

Uterus Size and Position

At 32 weeks, your uterus is about 13 cm or 5 inches above your belly button. As your baby grows and your uterus expands, you may feel more pressure on your bladder and experience frequent urges to urinate.

Placenta Position

The placenta continues to provide essential nutrients and oxygen to your baby through the umbilical cord. In most cases, the placenta is located near the top of the uterus, away from the cervix. However, in some instances, the placenta may be low-lying or covering the cervix (placenta previa), which requires close monitoring and may affect your birth plan.

TopTips for Week 32


Preterm signs

If you suspect early labour, read up on premature delivery and baby care essentials.


Stay active 

Keep practising regular prenatal exercises like deep breathing, yoga and  moderate walking.


Contraction care 

Practice deep breathing and visualization techniques to stay focused during contractions.


Prep for labour

Explore different positions such as walking or squatting to find movement that supports you.


Support circle

Labour can be demanding, surround yourself with loved ones for support and encouragement.

Medical Scans and Check-Ups

Bi-monthly prenatal checkups are essential for monitoring your health and your baby's development. At 32 weeks, you may have the following tests and scans:

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Antenatal Appointments

You'll likely have checkups every two weeks until your due date. Your doctor will measure your fundal height, check your blood pressure, and monitor your baby's heartbeat. Attending all your scheduled appointments and discussing your concerns or questions is important.

Ultrasound Scan

An ultrasound is recommended to assess the baby's size, development and position. This scan can also check the amount of amniotic fluid and the location of the placenta.

Blood Tests

Your doctor may recommend blood tests to check for anaemia, gestational diabetes, or other conditions that can affect your pregnancy.


Is it normal to feel more tired at 32 weeks pregnant?

Yes, it's common to experience fatigue during the third trimester as your body works hard to support your growing baby. Try to rest when you can and listen to your body's needs.

What should I do if I notice a decrease in my baby's movements?

If you notice a significant decrease in your baby's movements, contact your doctor right away. They may recommend monitoring your baby's activity level or performing additional tests to ensure your baby's well-being.

Can I still exercise at 32 weeks pregnant?

In most cases, it's safe and beneficial to continue exercising during pregnancy. However, it's important to listen to your body and avoid activities that are too strenuous or cause discomfort. Talk to your doctor about safe exercise options for your individual needs.

Is it normal to have Braxton Hicks contractions at 32 weeks?

Yes, Braxton Hicks contractions are common during the third trimester. These practice contractions help prepare your uterus for labour. If you experience regular, painful contractions or have any concerns, contact your doctor.

What can I do to relieve swelling in my feet and ankles?

Swelling, or oedema, is a common symptom during the later stages of pregnancy. To help relieve swelling, try elevating your feet when resting, wearing comfortable shoes, and staying hydrated. If you experience sudden or severe swelling, contact your doctor.

How much weight should I have gained by 32 weeks?

Weight gain during pregnancy varies depending on your pre-pregnancy weight and individual circumstances. On average, women with a healthy BMI should aim to gain about 220-450 grams per week during the third trimester. Your doctor can provide personalised guidance on healthy weight gain for your pregnancy.

Is it safe to travel at 32 weeks pregnant?

It's safe to travel during the third trimester in most cases, but it's important to take precautions and consult with your doctor before making any travel plans. Long periods of sitting can increase the risk of blood clots, so be sure to take frequent breaks to stretch and walk around.

What should I pack in my hospital bag at 32 weeks?

It's a good idea to start preparing your hospital bag around 32 weeks, just in case your baby decides to make an early appearance. Some essential items to include are comfortable clothing, toiletries, nursing bras, and baby clothes. Your doctor can provide a more comprehensive list of items to pack.