
Managing Diaper Rash through Ayurveda

Read about the Ayurveda approach to diaper rash (Ahiputana), with practical tips for keeping your child comfortable and healthy.

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Dr. Monisha V M

At a Glance

Understanding and Prevention

Diaper rash, or Ahiputana in Ayurveda, is primarily caused by unhygienic practices, prolonged moisture exposure, and dietary influences

Holistic Management

Treatment involves a combination of lifestyle modifications, herbal decoctions and pastes, and internal medications to reduce inflammation.

In this article

  • Managing Diaper Rash through Ayurveda
  • Understanding Ahiputana (Diaper Rash)
  • Nidana or Causative Factors
  • Management of Ahiputana
  • Preventive Strategies
  • Ayurveda Insights into the Healing Process
  • Wrapping It Up

Managing Diaper Rash through Ayurveda

Bringing a new baby into the world is a beautiful experience filled with joy and wonder, but it also comes with its own set of challenges, one of which many parents face is diaper rash. Diaper rash, or Ahiputana in Ayurveda, is a common inflammatory condition affecting infants due to prolonged exposure to moisture, friction, and irritants from diapers. Rooted in Kapha dosha and Rakta Dhatu (blood tissue) vitiation, Ahiputana aligns with the principles of Ayurveda pathology. 

Understanding the underlying causes and prevention strategies can help new parents navigate this often frustrating experience with confidence. 

Understanding Ahiputana (Diaper Rash)

In Ayurveda, Ahiputana is categorised under Kshudra roga (minor ailments) of infants, specifically arising due to unhygienic practices and Dosha (bodily humor) imbalances. According to the treatment principles of Ayurveda, improper cleaning of the perianal region allows Mala (faeces), Mutra (urine), and Sweda (sweat) to accumulate, aggravating Kapha dosha and Rakta dhatu. The resultant imbalance manifests as symptoms such as:

  1. Kandu (itching).
  2. Daha (burning sensation).
  3. Tamra Vrana (reddish ulcers).
  4. Kleda (moist lesions).
  5. Sphota (blisters).

In contemporary medical science, the combination of these symptoms corresponds closely to diaper rash. Identifying the symptoms of diaper rash early is crucial for your child's comfort and recovery. By recognising signs, you can take prompt action to alleviate discomfort and prevent the condition from worsening. When you intervene early, whether through better hygiene practices, frequent diaper changes, or natural remedies, you can help your little one heal quickly and avoid unnecessary pain. As a parent, your attentiveness makes a real difference. 

Nidana or Causative Factors

The primary causative factors of Ahiputana are:

  1. Unhygienic Practices: Irregular cleaning after defecation and urination leads to irritation.
  2. Retention of Moisture: Prolonged contact with soiled diapers results in Kleda (moistness), a hallmark of Kapha aggravation.
  3. Improper Diet of the Lactating Mother: Stanya Dusti (vitiation of breast milk) caused by maternal consumption of incompatible foods exacerbates skin irritations in infants.
  4. Overuse of Diapers: Excessive or continuous use without adequate ventilation.

Pariksha - Ayurveda Diagnosis

Accurate diagnosis of Ahiputana is achieved through Darshana (inspection), Sparshana (palpation), and Prashna (questioning). Ayurveda practitioners evaluate the nature and extent of lesions, associated systemic symptoms, and contributing factors such as maternal diet and diapering habits. Our expert panel of doctors at Apollo AyurVAID can give you and your baby the most suitable care after thoroughly analysing both of your conditions.

Management of Ahiputana

The treatment of Ahiputana in Ayurveda emphasises holistic care through external applications (Bahyaparimarjana), internal medications (Antahparimarjana), and lifestyle modifications (Nidana Parivarjana). Below are some detailed protocols:

  1. Lifestyle Modifications (Nidana Parivarjana)

    • Avoidance of Diapers: Refrain from continuous diaper use and switch to breathable, soft cloth alternatives.
    • Frequent Diaper Changes: Ensure the area remains dry and clean.
    • Sunlight Therapy: Gentle exposure to morning sunlight improves skin health and reduces Kapha.
  2. External Applications (Bahyaparimarjana)

    1. Panchavalkala Kwatha (decoction):
      • Ingredients: Bark powders of Vata (Ficus benghalensis), Udumbara (Ficus racemosa), Ashwattha (Ficus religiosa), Parisha (Thespesia populnea), and Plaksha (Ficus lacor).
      • Preparation: Decoction made by boiling the powdered barks.
      • Application: Used for washing the affected area after each defecation. ensure to dry the area with a dry towel after application .
      • Benefits: Astringent, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties promote healing.
    2. Haridra Churna (turmeric powder):
      • Mixed with Goghrita (cow ghee) to form a paste.
      • Applied to lesions to reduce inflammation and itching due to its Krimighna (antimicrobial) and Rakta shodhana (blood-purifying) properties.
    3. Kumari Swarasa (aloe vera juice):
      • Direct application of fresh aloe vera pulp on the rash.
      • It soothes irritation and provides a cooling effect (Sheetala).
  3. Internal Medications (Antahparimarjana)

    1. Balachaturbhadra Churna:
      • Composition: Pippali (Piper longum), Ativisha (Aconitum heterophyllum), Mustha (Cyperus rotundus), and Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa).
      • Dosage: Administered in small doses mixed with honey or breast milk.
      • Benefits: Addresses systemic inflammation and pacifies Kapha and Pitta Doshas.
    2. Guduchi Kashaya (decoction of Tinospora cordifolia):
      1. The physician determines dose of this medicine after considering the conditions of your baby.
      2. Benefits: Enhances immunity and reduces susceptibility to infections.
  4. Protective Measures

    • Use Nalpamaradi Taila (medicated oil) for massaging the diaper area to strengthen skin resilience.
    • Application of Yashtimadhu Taila (licorice oil) to prevent secondary infections.

The information provided above should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified Ayurveda practitioner or healthcare professional before starting any treatment, medicine, or lifestyle modification. Individual circumstances may vary, and a tailored approach is essential for effective and safe healthcare. 

Preventive Strategies

Ayurveda emphasises prevention over cure. Implementing the following measures can reduce the recurrence of Ahiputana:

  1. Hygiene Practices:
    • Clean the diaper area with warm water and mild herbal cleansers like Dashanga Lepa.
    • Avoid chemical-laden wipes and soaps.
  2. Maternal Diet Adjustments (Stanyashuddhi):
    • Include Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), and Jeeraka (Cuminum cyminum) in the diet.
    • Avoid excessive intake of spicy, sour, or fried foods.
  3. Skin Care:
    • Apply Karanja Taila (Pongamia pinnata oil) regularly to maintain skin elasticity.
    • Encourage air drying of the skin to prevent moisture accumulation. You can also use a clean, dry towel. 

Ayurveda Insights into the Healing Process

The therapeutic approach to Ahiputana aligns with Ayurveda principles of detoxification and tissue rejuvenation. Key mechanisms include:

  1. Balancing Kapha and Pitta Doshas: Reducing excessive moisture and inflammation.
  2. Enhancing Rakta Shodhana (blood purification): Ensuring healthy tissue regeneration.
  3. Strengthening Skin Integrity: Regular use of medicated oils and herbal pastes fortifies the skin.

Wrapping It Up

Ayurveda presents a well-rounded and holistic approach to managing Ahiputana, commonly known as diaper rash. It emphasises preventive care, the use of natural remedies, and thoughtful dietary adjustments. It not only addresses the visible symptoms of diaper rash, such as redness and irritation on the skin but also considers the root causes and internal imbalances that may contribute to its occurrence.

In essence, Ayurveda advocates for a comprehensive approach to infant care, recognising that these young ones are the custodians of future generations. By providing nurturing care grounded in holistic principles, we can ensure their well-being starts from the very beginning, paving the way for a healthier life as they grow. At Apollo AyurVaid, we have a dedicated panel of doctors who can give you and your baby the most effective and safe treatment. Connect with us now.


What causes diaper rash in infants according to Ayurveda?

Diaper rash, known as Ahiputana in Ayurveda, is primarily caused by factors such as unhygienic practices, prolonged moisture exposure from soiled diapers, and dietary influences from the lactating mother that may irritate the infant's skin.

How can I prevent diaper rash from occurring?

Prevention strategies include regular diaper changes, maintaining the cleanliness of the diaper area, using breathable cloth alternatives, and ensuring proper ventilation to avoid moisture retention.

What natural remedies can be used to treat diaper rash?

Natural remedies include external applications of herbal decoctions like Panchavalkala Kwatha, turmeric paste mixed with cow ghee, and fresh aloe vera pulp, all of which help soothe irritation, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.