
Managing Neonatal Jaundice through Ayurveda

Read about how Ayurveda helps manage neonatal jaundice by using natural remedies.

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Dr. Monisha V M

At a Glance

Addressing both Mother’s and Baby's health

Ayurveda treats neonatal jaundice as a Pitta issue, focusing on maternal health, diet, and purifying breast milk for effective management.

Prevention is the first option

Early breastfeeding and avoiding Pitta-aggravating factors help reduce the risk of neonatal jaundice in newborns.

In this article

  • Managing Neonatal Jaundice through Ayurveda
  • Understanding Neonatal Jaundice in Ayurveda
  • Causes of Neonatal Jaundice
  • Ayurveda Management
  • Ayurveda Medicines for Neonatal Jaundice
  • Scientific Insights Supporting Ayurveda Practices

Managing Neonatal Jaundice through Ayurveda

Neonatal jaundice, recognised by the yellowish discolouration of the skin and sclera due to elevated bilirubin levels, is one of the most common conditions affecting newborns. From an Ayurveda perspective, this condition aligns with Kamala (jaundice), predominantly caused by Pitta (heat and metabolism) vitiation. Ayurveda offers a comprehensive and effective framework for managing this condition, emphasising the balance of Doshas (bodily humors), purification of Stanya (breast milk), and natural interventions such as Suryadarshana (sun exposure) and Chandradarshana (moon exposure).

Understanding Neonatal Jaundice in Ayurveda

Ayurveda correlates neonatal jaundice with Pittaja stanya dushti (vitiation of breast milk due to aggravated Pitta), which results in yellow discolouration, excessive thirst, and digestive disturbances. A newborn's health is intricately tied to maternal well-being, as vitiated Stanya directly influences the neonate. This is one of the core principles of Ayurveda Pediatric treatment.

Classical texts, including the Kashyapa Samhita, describe symptoms such as yellowish eyes (Netra Peetata), yellow nails (Nakha Peetata), and loss of appetite (Agni Mandya). These align with modern understandings of bilirubin metabolism and hepatic immaturity in neonates.  Now, let us understand what exactly causes and contributes to neonatal jaundice according to Ayurveda.

Causes of Neonatal Jaundice

Ayurveda practitioners address every causative factor of neonatal jaundice. One of the main treatment principles of neonatal jaundice is Nidana parivarjana, which means avoiding the causative factors. Hence, it is highly essential to identify these causative factors. Read on to find out more.

  1. Maternal Factors:
    • Consumption of Pitta-provoking foods (Amla – sour, Lavana – salty, and Katu – pungent).
    • Stress, heat exposure, or smoking (Dhoompana).
  2. Neonatal Factors:
    • Immaturity of the liver’s ability to conjugate bilirubin.
    • Increased enterohepatic circulation due to delayed stool passage.
  3. Breast Milk Jaundice:
    • Caused by Pittaja stanya dushti, where excessive Pitta in the mother’s milk impacts the neonate.
  4. Physiological Polycythemia:
    • In Ayurveda, this condition is explained as having an increased production of blood, which leads to too much bilirubin being created.

These are the general causes of Neonatal Jaundice. Read on to find out the management options available in Ayurveda.

Ayurveda Management

Ayurveda offers effective solutions for managing neonatal jaundice. Management in Ayurveda is comprehensive, addressing the mother’s health, neonatal care, and preventive measures. 

  1. Maternal Care:
    • Antenatal Measures:
      • A Pitta-shamaka (Pitta-pacifying) diet, including sweet (Madhura), cooling (Sheeta), and unctuous (Snigdha) foods like milk and ghee.
      • Avoidance of Pitta-vitiating activities, such as exposure to heat and consumption of spicy foods.
    • Postnatal Measures:
      • Administration of Stanyashodhaka Chikitsa (purification of breast milk) using herbs like Triphala (three-fruit formulation), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), and Haridra (turmeric).
  2. Neonatal Interventions:
    • Phototherapy Alternatives:
      • Suryadarshana and Chandradarshana are traditional methods similar to modern phototherapy. Early morning sunlight exposure helps break down bilirubin, while moonlight is considered cooling and Pitta-calming.
    • Oral Remedies:
      • Madhu (honey) and Ghrita (clarified butter) are traditionally recommended in Jatakarma Samskara (newborn care rituals) to support digestion and metabolism. Modern practices, however, caution against honey in infants under one year.
      • Alternatives include Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus) with Ghrita to support hepatic function and digestion.
    • Medicinal Applications:
      • Gentle massage with Bala Taila (Sida cordifolia oil) followed by mild sunlight exposure.
      • Application of Sariva (Hemidesmus indicus), Usheera (Vetiveria zizanioides), and Manjishtha (Rubia cordifolia) decoctions on the skin to reduce Pitta.

Remember, all these interventions are mentioned here to inform you about the solutions Ayurveda offers. Never self-medicate or use these medicines without the advice of an expert Ayurveda doctor.

Preventive Measures:

Ayurveda firmly believes more in prevention than just curing. Two of the most practical tips you can follow are as follows:

  • Starting breastfeeding soon after birth helps babies pass their first poop (meconium) and removes excess bilirubin from their bodies. This is important for their health.
  • Avoiding Pitta-aggravating factors for both mother and baby.

Ayurveda Medicines for Neonatal Jaundice

Ayurveda prescribes various medicinal formulations to manage neonatal jaundice cautiously.

Ayurveda has pediatric tonics that balance all Doshas, herbal preparations that promote digestion and help reduce bilirubin levels, liver stimulants known for their immune-boosting properties, medicated ghees designed to address imbalances related to Pitta disorders, extracts from neem leaves recognized for their protective benefits on the liver, and iron-based formulations aimed at treating severe cases of anaemia-related jaundice.

Our expert doctors at Apollo AyurVAID will prescribe you and your baby the most suitable and safe medicines for your conditions. Always consume Ayurveda medicines only under expert advice.

Scientific Insights Supporting Ayurveda Practices

  • Sunlight Therapy: Studies validate the role of natural sunlight in reducing bilirubin levels, aligning with the concept of Suryadarshana.
  • Herbal Efficacy: Research on Guduchi and Triphala supports their hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties, which are crucial in managing hyperbilirubinemia.
  • Breast Milk and Diet: Modern medicine acknowledges the impact of maternal diet on neonatal health, resonating with Ayurveda Stanyashodhaka practices.

In clinical settings, Ayurveda interventions have shown good results in managing neonatal jaundice. For instance:

  • Infants treated with Madhu-Ghrita experienced improved feeding and reduced jaundice.
    Application of Bala Taila followed by mild sunlight exposure resulted in quicker bilirubin reduction compared to untreated controls.
    Mothers adhering to Pitta-shamaka (Pitta pacifying) diets reported better neonatal outcomes.