
Constipation During Pregnancy—An Ayurveda Approach

Discover Ayurvedic solutions for pregnancy-related constipation.

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Dr. Monisha V M

At a Glance

Garbhini Vibandha in Ayurveda

Constipation during pregnancy is known as Garbhini Vibandha, linked to imbalances in the Vata Dosha.

Role of Vata Dosha

Imbalance in the Vata Dosha, especially Apana Vayu, plays a key role in causing constipation during pregnancy.

Agni’s Importance

A balanced Agni (digestive fire) is crucial in managing constipation during pregnancy and ensuring proper digestion.

Dietary Modifications

Eating unctuous, fibrous foods and avoiding dry, heavy, or spicy foods can help balance Vata and ease constipation.

Lifestyle Adjustments

Regular physical activity, stress management, and proper meal timing are essential to support digestive health during pregnancy.

In this article

  • Causes of Garbhini Vibandha
  • Symptoms of Garbhini Vibandha
  • Ayurvedic Approach to Managing Garbhini Vibandha
  • Home Remedies for Managing Garbhini Vibandha
  • Wrapping It Up

In Ayurveda, constipation is described as Purisha graha or obstruction in the passage of stool. During pregnancy, this issue becomes more prevalent due to a combination of hormonal fluctuations, reduced physical activity, and dietary modifications. In Ayurveda, the Apana Vayu, a sub-type of Vata Dosha responsible for the elimination of your faeces, plays a very critical role in the onset of Vibandha.

Ayurveda principles lay out various reasons for developing this condition. Let's examine those.

Causes of Garbhini Vibandha

From an Ayurvedic perspective, the Nidanas (causative factors) include:
1. Dietary Factors:

  • Excessive consumption of Ruksha (dry) and Guru (heavy-to-digest) foods like Mudga (green gram) and Chanaka (chickpeas).
  • Overconsumption of Katu (spicy), Tikta (bitter), and Kashaya (astringent)  foods which in turn causes more Vata Dosha.
  • Insufficient intake of Snigdha (unctuous) or lubricating foods.

    2. Lifestyle:

  • Avyayama (Lack of physical activity)
  • Vega dharana (suppression of natural urges).
  • Psychological stress, such as Shoka (grief) and Bhaya (fear), which disturbs Apana Vayu (sub-type of vata dosha)

    In addition to these, Ayurveda doctors also address the other causes of constipation during pregnancy. They are mentioned below.

    3. Hormonal Changes:

  • During pregnancy, certain hormones slow down the movement of the digestive system, while others that help regulate gastrointestinal motility decrease. This is viewed as an imbalance of the vata and pitta dosha in the body.

    4. Anatomical Factors:

  • Pressure is exerted by the expanding uterus on the intestines. This can cause vata imbalance.

    Ayurveda physicians also consider the status of your Agni (digestive fire) as a huge factor.

    रोगे सर्वे अपि मन्दाग्नौ
    ( Ashtanga Hrudayam)

In Ayurveda, all diseases are due to the improper functioning of your agni. Hence, Agni plays a huge role in the manifestation of Constipation during Pregnancy, too. Correcting the deranged agni has a primary role in the management. Deranged agni can cause a lot of symptoms including Garbhini Vibandha. Let us take a look at the symptoms that are seen in this condition.

Symptoms of Garbhini Vibandha

The condition of Garbhini vibandha can be noticed in various forms in pregnant women as it can be considered as a set of changes that the body begins to go through in these months. Some of the main manifestations include:

  • Anaha (Bloating): Many women during their pregnancy phase complain of feeling a sense of expansion or fullness in their stomach. This condition raises the expanded abdomen surface level, causing discomfort, which may lead to pain while trying to wear tight clothes or during gentle movements.
  • Adhmana (Distension): Distension is usually described as ‘swollen’ and is a result or symptom of pregnancy due to hormonal changes or simply a growing womb in the body. It is always followed by a fair amount of pressure or tightness around the stomach. This continued pressure only brings with it discomforts such as loss of appetite and plenty of weight lying behind the abdomen surface.
  • Shirashoola (Headache): It is a well-known fact that most women start developing headaches during their recent pregnancies, which range between mild and extremely severe. Ayurveda principles point to vata imbalance as the main cause of this issue. These headaches are often the result of changes in hormones along with fatigue or soreness of the body. The worst result of these headaches is easy fatigue and irritability.
  • Purisha Sushkata (Dry and Hard Stools): Inadequate bowel movements and hard stools, especially dry types, are among the common features in pregnant women who have been diagnosed with constipation.
  • Discomfort or Cramping During Defecation: Cramping, pain or discomfort at the time of evacuation is also a part of this syndrome and it can be socio-emotional and physical stress too. This may be related to the outline of the pain: due to the increasing size of the uterus pressing against the intestines, the faeces expulsion or defecation process becomes painful.

In general, these complaints are not only discomforting but also disabling in terms of functional activity, which explains why the issue of maintaining the normal status of the digestive system during pregnancy should be taken seriously.

Ayurvedic Approach to Managing Garbhini Vibandha

Ayurveda offers a Root level and gentle approach to managing constipation during pregnancy, ensuring both maternal and fetal well-being. The goal is to balance the Doshas, enhance Agni (digestive fire), and facilitate smooth elimination.
1. Ahara (Dietary Modifications)

  • Snigdha Ahara: Incorporate unctuous foods like Ghee (clarified butter), milk and Taila to balance Vata.
  • Fibrous Foods: Include whole grains, green leafy vegetables, and fresh fruits like bananas and chikku. This will help in Vata anulomana (downward movement of vata).
  • Avoid Foods that are Ruksha (dry), Katu (spicy), or Guru (heavy to digest).
  • Hydration: Adequate water intake is crucial to soften stools and maintain hydration. Drinking lukewarm water (Sukhoshna jala) can help in the proper movement of vata dosha.

2. Vihara (Lifestyle Adjustments)

  • Engage in Vyayama or gentle exercises like yoga and walking to stimulate bowel movements. To learn what poses to do for relieving constipation, read our blog here (link to the yoga constipation blog)
  • Avoid prolonged sitting or lying down.
  • Regular meal timings are recommended to synchronise with the body's biological rhythms, and Ayurveda advises not to suppress natural urges like hunger.

3. Ayurveda Solutions
Ayurveda offers powerful and safe medicinal formulations that can effectively relieve constipation, given along with protective medicines that help in the maintenance of pregnancy. It is essential to consult an expert Ayurvedic physician for personalised prescriptions that suit your individual health needs. 
Before using any herbs, it is crucial to seek approval from a qualified Ayurveda doctor to ensure they are the most suitable for your condition.

4. Panchakarma Therapies
For severe cases, Panchakarma treatments like Mridu virechana (gentle purgation) and Vasti (medicated enemas) using Madhura Dravyas (sweet substances) can be administered in the second or third trimester.

Home Remedies for Managing Garbhini Vibandha

In addition to dietary and lifestyle modifications, Ayurveda offers several home remedies that can help alleviate constipation during pregnancy. These remedies are natural, safe, and effective for promoting digestive health. Here are a few recommended options:

1. Raisins:
How to Use: Soak a handful of raisins in warm water overnight. In the morning, strain the water and consume the softened raisins on an empty stomach.

Benefits: It reduces Vata and Pitta and also helps in Vata anulomana (downward movement of Vata). It also has laxative actions. Raisins are rich in fibre and natural sugars, which can help lubricate the intestines and promote bowel movements.

2. Cow's Ghee with Milk:

How to Use: Mix one tablespoon of cow’s ghee in a glass of warm milk. Drink this mixture before bedtime to promote a healthy digestive system.

Benefits: Cow’s ghee acts as a natural lubricant for the intestines, easing the passage of stools. Paired with warm milk, it helps soothe the digestive tract and promotes relaxation.

Wrapping It Up

To sum up, Garbhini Vibandha (constipation during pregnancy) is not simply a widespread cause of distress; it is a condition that can be easily managed and effectively treated with the use of Ayurvedic medicine. Balancing Doshas, increasing Agni, and adopting proper lifestyle modification help reduce symptoms and improve the health of both the mother and the fetus. 
However, it is crucial to note that no two pregnancies are alike and the most successful management of this condition is dependent on individualised education and management. Therefore, collaborating with an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner is essential to ensure a safe and tailored treatment plan. This approach not only addresses the physical discomforts but also nurtures overall wellness, paving the way for a healthier pregnancy journey.


What are the common causes of constipation during pregnancy?

Common causes include dietary choices (such as excessive intake of dry and heavy foods), hormonal changes (like increased progesterone), and lifestyle factors (such as lack of physical activity and psychological stress).

What are the symptoms of Garbhini Vibandha?

Symptoms can include bloating, abdominal distension, headaches, dry and hard stools, and discomfort or cramping during defecation.

How can Ayurveda help manage constipation during pregnancy?

Ayurveda suggests a holistic approach that includes dietary adjustments to enhance Agni, lifestyle modifications to increase physical activity, and stress management techniques to support digestive health during pregnancy.