
Is Painless Delivery with an Epidural Right for You?

Learn about epidurals for delivery, benefits, risks, and their impact on maternal and foetal health to make informed choices.

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Dr Monika Meena

At a Glance

Effective Pain Relief

Epidurals offer significant pain relief during childbirth, keeping you awake and comfortable.

Reduced Maternal Morbidity

They contribute to lower maternal morbidity, especially in premature births.

No Increased C-Section Risk

Studies confirm no higher risk of caesarean sections with epidural use.

Potential Side Effects

Possible side effects include low blood pressure and temporary bladder control issues.

Modern Techniques

New methods reduce the risks of assisted deliveries, enhancing the childbirth experience.

In this article

  • Understanding Epidural Analgesia for Painless Delivery
  • Benefits of Epidural for Normal Delivery
  • Potential Risks and Side Effects of Epidural
  • Factors to Consider When Choosing Epidural
  • Best Time to Get Epidural During Labour
  • Discussing Epidural with Your Doctor

What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the words "labour and childbirth"? For a lot of people, it could be "pain". That's how closely labour and pain are related that we often automatically associate the first with the second.

Labour pain can feel daunting, but modern medicine has made it possible to manage pain and reduce discomfort. One of the most popular and effective methods for pain relief during childbirth is epidural analgesia, often referred to as a "painless delivery." So let us understand what epidural analgesia is, how it works, and its potential benefits and risks.

Understanding Epidural Analgesia for Painless Delivery

Epidural analgesia has widely been used because of how effective it is in managing pain during labour. It involves administering anaesthesia through a catheter inserted into the epidural space in the lower back. This method allows for continuous pain relief without the need for repeated injections.

What is an Epidural Injection?

An epidural injection involves the administration of pain-relieving medications through a thin, flexible tube called an epidural catheter. This catheter is carefully inserted into the epidural space, which is located just outside the spinal cord, typically between the L3-4 or L4-5 intervertebral spaces in the lower back. To ensure comfort during the procedure, a local anaesthetic is used to numb the area before the insertion of the catheter.

It is normal to have doubts and questions about this process. Many women wonder,  "How big is an epidural needle?" While the needle is larger than regular injection needles, it is only inserted for a short time before being removed. While the epidural needle length and size may seem scary to some, rest assured that the procedure is designed to minimise discomfort.

How Does an Epidural Work?

An epidural will block pain signals from reaching the brain and provide effective relief throughout labour and delivery. Once the epidural catheter is in place, a steady and continuous supply of pain-relieving drugs is administered into the epidural space. These medications numb the lower half of the body, thereby reducing the sensation of pain. However, this won't affect your ability to push because the dosage will be adjusted to maintain some sensation during delivery.

Keep in mind that while an epidural provides effective pain relief, it does not guarantee a completely painless delivery. Some women may still experience mild discomfort or pressure during contractions. Furthermore, another important factor to consider is the best time to get an epidural during labour. The timing may not be the same for all individuals and will depend on your circumstances and your doctor's discretion.

Benefits of Epidural for Normal Delivery

An epidural injection can be a game-changer for women seeking a painless delivery during normal labour. This anaesthetic technique offers numerous benefits that can change the perception of labour and improve the experience of childbirth.

Pain Relief and Comfort During Labour

Epidurals offer significant advantages in terms of pain management during labour:

  • It is a highly effective method that provides relief within minutes of administration
  • The dosage can be adjusted for comfort levels throughout labour
  • It reduces stress and trauma by minimising pain-induced elevated heart rate and blood pressure
  • It enables the mother to remain awake and alert, fully present for the baby's birth.

Flexibility and Mobility with Epidural Analgesia in Labour

While epidural analgesia in labour can limit mobility to some extent, there are still ways to maintain flexibility and accommodate position changes:

  • Although there's significant numbness, women can still change positions in bed with assistance.
  • Walking is generally restricted due to numbness but some hospitals offer walking epidurals for limited mobility.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of Epidural

While an epidural for normal delivery is generally safe, it's essential to be aware of its potential risks and side effects. Although rare, understanding the complications can help you decide whether a painless delivery with an epidural is right for you.

Epidural Side Effects on Baby

One common concern among expectant mothers is the potential impact of epidurals on their babies. Here are some key points to consider:

  • If the mother's blood pressure drops significantly due to the epidural, it can temporarily reduce blood flow to the baby, which may cause foetal distress.
  • Babies born to mothers who received epidurals may have a slightly higher risk of short-term breathing difficulties, although this is usually manageable.
  • The baby's heart rate may temporarily slow down or become less reactive, which is usually not a cause for concern but requires monitoring.

However, in most cases, epidurals do not directly affect the baby, as the medication is administered into the space around the spinal cord, not the bloodstream.

Impact on Labour Duration and Delivery

Another aspect to consider is how an epidural may influence the length of labour and the delivery process itself:

  • Epidurals can sometimes slow down the second stage of labour, as the numbness may make it harder for the mother to push effectively.
  • In some cases, this may increase the likelihood of needing assisted delivery methods, such as forceps or vacuum extraction.
  • However, the relaxation provided by the epidural can also help the mother conserve energy and cope with prolonged labour.

Despite some drawbacks, many women find that the benefits of epidural analgesia in labour outweigh the risks. Discuss your circumstances and preferences with your doctor to determine whether a painless delivery injection is the best choice for you.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Epidural

When deciding whether an epidural is the right choice for your painless delivery, several factors need to be carefully considered. Your personal preferences, pain tolerance, and medical history will determine if an epidural injection is the best option for you.

Personal Preferences and Pain Tolerance

Your personal preferences and pain tolerance are important factors when considering an epidural for normal delivery. Some women prefer the idea of a painless delivery, while others may want to experience the natural process of labour without medication. If you wish to move freely and feel connected to the birthing process, you can opt for unmedicated birth options. However, if you prioritise comfort and pain relief, an epidural injection may be the best choice for you.

Before giving you a green signal for an epidural injection, your doctor will assess your medical history and eligibility. The following conditions and factors can affect the suitability and safety of epidural analgesia in labour:

  • Local Infection
  • Increased Intracranial Pressure
  • Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury
  • Hemodynamic Instability
  • Obstructive Cardiomyopathy
  • Uncorrected Coagulopathy or Therapeutic Anticoagulation
  • Thrombocytopenia
  • Prior Spinal Surgery

Best Time to Get Epidural During Labour

An epidural injection can be administered at almost any time during labour. However, the best time is when the cervix has dilated to around 4-5 cm, just before active labour begins. Providing an epidural injection at this time allows for it to take effect before the most intense contractions begin.

If labour progresses too quickly, it may be challenging to administer the epidural in time. Therefore discuss your preferences and concerns regarding the timing of the epidural with your doctor in advance. This ensures the best possible outcome for you and your baby.

Discussing Epidural with Your Doctor

Discussing your delivery options with your doctor is of paramount importance. If you're considering an epidural for painless delivery, schedule a consultation with your doctor before your due date. They will guide you depending on your situation and address any misconceptions or concerns you may have. Use this opportunity to ask about the best time to get epidurals during labour or its side effects on the baby. Armed with this information, you can confidently take your next steps in this journey.

Ultimately, deciding whether a painless delivery with an epidural is right for you is a personal choice. Consider various factors, such as your pain tolerance, medical history, and labour progress before making this choice. Don't hesitate to ask questions or voice your concerns with your doctor. By working together with your doctor, you can create a delivery plan that prioritises your comfort, safety, and well-being. By following these steps you can have a positive and memorable experience as you welcome your baby into this world.


Are all epidural injections the same?

No, not all epidural injections are the same. While they all aim to provide painless delivery, there are different techniques and types, such as traditional epidural, combined spinal-epidural, and transforaminal epidural injection. Each approach targets different areas and uses varying combinations of local anaesthetics and opioids.

Is painless delivery with an epidural injection safe for the mother and baby?

Yes, epidural analgesia in labour is generally safe for both the mother and baby when administered by a trained anesthesiologist. Serious complications are rare, and the medication does not significantly affect the baby as it does not enter the bloodstream in large amounts.

Will an epidural affect my ability to push during delivery?

Modern epidural analgesia techniques allow for better control over the medication dosage, ensuring you maintain the ability to feel pressure and the urge to push. Your doctor will adjust the epidural as needed to facilitate a safe and effective delivery.

When is the best time to an get epidural during labour?

The optimal time to receive an epidural is when you are in active labour. This is usually when the cervix is dilated to 4-5 cm and contractions are regular. However, it can be administered at any point during labour if needed.

Are there any epidural side effects on the baby or mother?

While an epidural for normal delivery is generally safe, some potential side effects for the mother include low blood pressure, itching, and headaches. For the baby, there is a slight risk of temporary breathing problems or drowsiness, but these effects are rare and closely monitored.