
Labour and Delivery: How Pregnancy Complication Affect Plan

Learn how pregnancy complications affect labour, delivery, and long-term maternal and infant health outcomes.

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Dr. Priyanka Surisetty

At a Glance

Labour Challenges

Pregnancy complications may cause labour to stall, requiring interventions like medications or a Caesarean section.

Umbilical Cord Concerns

Cord issues, such as compression, need swift medical attention to prevent risks.

Heart Rate Alerts

Abnormal foetal heart rates can signal oxygen deprivation, potentially necessitating emergency delivery.

Premature Membrane Rupture

Early water breaking might lead to infection, requiring induced labour.

Excessive Bleeding Risks

Postpartum haemorrhage poses dangers if the uterus fails to contract post-delivery.

In this article

  • Labour and Delivery: How Pregnancy Complications Can Affect the Plan
  • Understanding Common Pregnancy Complications
  • Complications Affecting Labour Progress
  • Placental Complications
  • Impact of Pregnancy Complications on Labour and Delivery
  • Prolonged Labour and Failure to Progress
  • Increased Risk of Caesarean Delivery
  • Preeclampsia and Its Effects on Labour and Delivery
  • Gestational Diabetes and Its Impact on Childbirth
  • Preventing and Managing Pregnancy Complications
  • The Role of Prenatal Care in Reducing Pregnancy Complications
  • Conclusion

Labour and Delivery: How Pregnancy Complications Can Affect the Plan

As an expectant mother, hearing the phrase "pregnancy complications" from your doctor can leave you feeling worried, stressed, and anxious. A million questions run through your mind, and frantically searching those on Google often worsens things. Believe us when we say you are not alone, and it is natural to feel overwhelmed with all these emotions. It is a stressful time for both you and your partner. 

So, to help you out with your concerns, we decided to speak to a doctor who could help us understand different pregnancy complications and their effect on labour. 

Understanding Common Pregnancy Complications

Pregnancy comes with many highs and lows. While most pregnancies are smooth and joyful, some women may experience complications. However, with regular check-ups, early detection, and prenatal care, you can reduce the risk of these complications. 

Pregnancy complications are medical conditions that can happen for many reasons. These complications can arise due to your pre-existing or new conditions triggered by your pregnancy. Some of the most common complications are:

  • Hypertension: Also known as high blood pressure, hypertension can constrict your placental blood vessels. If left uncontrolled, it may lead to preeclampsia in pregnancy.
  • Gestational diabetes: High blood sugar is a common pregnancy complication. It can easily be managed through a change in diet and lifestyle.
  • Preterm labour pain: Going into labour before 37 weeks can result in an underweight baby. Your baby may have underdeveloped organs in such a case.
  • Anaemia: Complications of anaemia in pregnancy are a sign of iron deficiency. Including an iron-rich diet with supplements can boost your body to make enough red blood cells. These are important to carry oxygen to other organs in your body and the foetus.
  • Infection: Both viral and bacterial infections can cause pregnancy complications. The most common infections are urinary tract infections (UTIs), yeast infections, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These cannot be passed to the foetus, but certain infections, like TORCH infections (which are congenital disorders), can.  

Complications Affecting Labour Progress

Apart from these, pregnancy complications can also affect your labour in the following ways:

  • Breech baby: If your baby is in a breech position, buttocks closest to the cervix, doctors may recommend against a vaginal birth.
  • Low birth weight: Malnutrition among pregnant women is one of the leading causes of unweight babies. Babies born at a low birth weight are more prone to:
    • Respiratory infections
    • Learning disabilities
    • Blindness
    • Heart issues

If you have any of these complications, depending on the situation, your doctor will make changes to your birth plan.

Placental Complications

Your placenta is a temporary organ formed during pregnancy. Its main job is to provide your baby with essential nutrients and oxygen through the umbilical cord. Placenta complications are risky for both you and the baby. Some of its complications include:

  • Placenta previa: A condition where the placenta grows in the lowest part of the womb or covers the opening of the cervix completely or partially.
  • Placenta accreta: The placenta attaches to the wall of the uterus too deeply.
  • Placental abruption: When the placenta detaches from the uterus during an active pregnancy.
  • Placental insufficiency: A condition when the placenta cannot provide adequate nutrients and oxygen to the baby.
  • Retained placenta: When a part or all of the placenta with membranes is not expelled out within 30 minutes of delivery. 

Impact of Pregnancy Complications on Labour and Delivery 

Pregnancy complications make labour and delivery a more delicate process. Doctors say issues like gestational diabetes increase your risk of delivering an overweight baby. It can cause labour issues, including the need for an emergency C-section if it is not part of your birth plan. 

On the other hand, pregnancy-induced hypertension can trigger the need for a preterm delivery. Your baby will need to stay in the hospital till their organs develop. These conditions require close monitoring to reduce the risk of further complications during and after delivery. 

Recurrent miscarriages, still or preterm births, and placental abruptions may also increase your risk for cardiovascular diseases. 

Prolonged Labour and Failure to Progress 

As defined by the doctor, prolonged labour is when the progress is slow or fails to move to the next stage. When your labour lasts longer than 20 to 25 hours, it becomes a cause of concern. Not only does it increase the risk of other serious issues, but it may also alter your delivery plan.

Risk to mothers: 

  • Infection
  • Postpartum haemorrhage
  • Uterine rupture
  • Pelvic organ prolapse

Risk to baby: 

  • Infection passed from the mother
  • Foetal distress and drop in heart rate
  • Inadequate oxygen supply (Perinatal asphyxia)
  • Shoulder dystocia (stuck in the birth canal) 

Increased Risk of Caesarean Delivery

One of the most commonly used methods to deal with prolonged labour is caesarean delivery. It is a lifesaving surgical technique used when labour fails to progress. Doctors also resort to a c-section if you have a breech baby, an overweight baby, or the baby’s head is sideways (a transverse lie). 

The procedure is often the best choice for women with pregnancy complications. It avoids further labour complications that can harm either you or your baby. However, like any surgery, a C-section also does not come without risks, such as:

  • Infection
  • Haemorrhage: loss of blood
  • Embolism: a blood clot that breaks into the bloodstream
  • Bowel or bladder injury
  • Placenta abnormalities
  • Foetal injury
  • Reaction to general anaesthesia

Preeclampsia and Its Effects on Labour and Delivery

Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy complication that happens after the 20th week or after you give birth. The condition causes high blood pressure, affecting organ functions, like that of the kidney or liver. Preeclampsia is one of the leading causes of preterm birth, increasing the risk of a c-section delivery. Without medical treatment, preeclampsia can cause life-threatening complications during pregnancy. 

Impact of preeclampsia as a pregnancy complication for mothers: 

  • Kidney, liver, and brain damage
  • Increased chances of blood clots
  • Eclampsia or seizures
  • Heart attacks
  • Postpartum haemorrhage

Impact of preeclampsia as a pregnancy complication for the foetus: 

  • Preterm birth
  • Placental abruption
  • Low birth weight 

Gestational Diabetes and Its Impact on Childbirth

Doctors say gestational diabetes is a growing concern among pregnant women today. As pregnancy progresses, gestational diabetes can affect your delivery plan, which may worry you. However, it is essential to understand that high blood sugar or glucose levels can cause your baby to grow bigger. In a condition known as macrosomia, the baby’s size will be measured using ultrasound scans. When you have a larger-than-normal baby, a c-section delivery is advised.

Know that gestational diabetes during pregnancy can be controlled through medication and dietary changes. Your doctor will guide you with those if you have this pregnancy complication. 

Preventing and Managing Pregnancy Complications

There are many ways you can manage your pregnancy complications or even prevent them altogether. 

  • Diet: A healthy diet will nourish you and the baby. Incorporate a balanced mix of iron and folic-rich food, leafy greens, proteins, dairy, and fibre into your daily meals.
  • Regular checkups: Take your pregnancy appointments seriously. Regular blood tests and ultrasounds are essential precautionary checks that keep you safe.
  • Weight gain: When you eat nutritious food, it gets passed on through the umbilical cord to your baby.
  • Quit bad habits: Alcohol and smoking significantly increase your chances of having pregnancy complications.
  • Reduce stress: Think of the positives and enjoy your journey without the stress of what-ifs. 

The Role of Prenatal Care in Reducing Pregnancy Complications

Prenatal care is nothing but regular check-ups and monitoring of the chances of pregnancy complications by doctors. It involves a spectrum of services, and here’s how it helps: 

  • Regular check-ups: Through continuous screenings, doctors can detect pregnancy complications early and make prompt decisions.
  • Foetal development: Receiving proactive prenatal care ensures your baby receives the necessary nutrients for their growth, despite your pregnancy complications.
  • Risk of preterm birth: Timely medical interventions can reduce the risks of preterm birth caused by pregnancy complications.
  • Mother’s health: Your well-being is equally important for a healthy pregnancy and after. Getting timely prenatal care reduces the chance of complications like gestational diabetes.
  • Smooth labour and delivery: Prenatal care will prepare you for a more realistic labour and delivery experience. 


Not all pregnancy complications are preventable. But with regular care, medication, and a few lifestyle modifications, you can enjoy a healthy pregnancy. In the many ups and downs of your nine months, knowledge and preparedness will help you navigate through the challenges. So, remember, even if things are not going as you imagined, it’s fine. 


How early can I safely give birth? 

Ideally giving birth between your 37th and 39th week is considered the safest, but if need be you can deliver sooner. Today’s medical advancement allows babies born before week 23 to survive with the help of an incubator. 

How common are pregnancy complications?

Pregnancy complications are more common than you think. Globally 8% of women suffer from complications, while almost 50% of pregnancies in India are high-risk. 

What pregnancy complications can result in death? 

Complications during pregnancy are serious especially when left unattended. The most common causes of death are due to:  - Emboli: Blood clots affecting the heart and brain  - Eclampsia: Uncontrolled high blood pressure causing a chain of delivery complications  - Haemorrhaging: Very heavy bleeding during labour, delivery, or postpartum

What are the causes of preterm delivery? 

Preterm delivery can happen due to the following reasons:  - Carrying twin babies or more - Bleeding during pregnancy - UTI - Smoking or drinking during pregnancy - History of preterm delivery  - Excess stress  - Cervical incompetence/short cervix

Can a poor diet cause pregnancy complications? 

Yes, lack of adequate nutrition can increase the risk of preterm birth, gestational diabetes, excessive weight gain and complications with delivery. Try to eat a balanced diet with supplements to ensure you have a healthy and joyful pregnancy experience.