Pregnancy is an adventure between emotional highs and lows as it does come with its own set of emotions as well as physical challenges that parents have to deal with. One common issue that most pregnant women have is hypertension or high blood pressure, which can occur during this period. Managing hypertension during pregnancy is crucial for the health of both the mother and the baby. In Ayurveda, pregnancy-induced hypertension is termed "Garbhajanya ucha rakta chaapa," which refers to disorders related to pregnancy. This condition is viewed as a type of blood disorder or Raktapradoshaja vikara. The unique changes that occur during pregnancy can disrupt the balance of the three doshas.
In this article, we will outline some useful and effective yoga postures for pregnant women with high blood pressure. We’ll answer some of the most common questions regarding a course of sessions and safety measures and suggest the best yoga positions, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques suitable for a future mother.